Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"The little things"

yarden p

       hey everybody ,

 I am actually suprise where we are in building the robot. It should of took less time to get where we are at but I think it is fine because it is our first time and I am sure we will have it done by friday. As for the solidworks vex robot we are having a little bit of issues but soon will be resolved. Anyways we are really close to finishing our robot we just need to install the battery and tighten up the wheels which we are having problems. Basically,  we just need to finish the"little things"   and we are set.


yarden p                                                                                                                                     2/23
      Hi everybody , we are progressing on building the robot. we then all split up into doing different things. I am in charge of the blog , robert is drawing the vex robot on solid works meanwhile sabrina is getting the robot finished up for next week. A difficult problem we might have is drawing the vex robot on solidworks but  we will get through that. also our robot looks good so far and I cant wait until it is finished.I myself is also getting use to blogger but everything is going well for us so far and
I hope we can complete everything by the due date.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Starting off

yarden p

          hello everyone

           To begin with, this week we started to prepare for building robots. we created powerpoints and listened to other peoples presentation to get an insight on what to know and do. we then started inventoring all the pieces that require to build a "square robot" which will be the first robot we will be building. we also came up with a name for our group which is "engineering squad". To finish up this blog , we started on our robot and hopefully it will be built by  sometime next week.